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Best car insurance for new drivers

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Insurance as a new driver

I've recently passed my test and are looking forward to getting out on the road However, as a young driver, car insurance costs can appear prohibitive, especially for the 17-22 age group where the average cost of annual insurance is £1,771.

Why is new driver insurance so expensive?

One of the main reasons why car insurance coverage is expensive for young or new drivers is the risks involved with insuring them.

The cost of your insurance is determined by insurance experts who calculate risks and insurers who assess your personal circumstances.

Statistically, one in five new drivers is involved in a crash within the first 12 months after passing the test, and drivers between the ages of 18 and 21 make up more than 70% of car insurance claims for comprehensive coverage.

Therefore, insurance companies prefer to charge higher costs to young or inexperienced drivers due to the increased risks associated with them. The higher the risks, the higher the insurance cost automatically.

What type of car insurance do I need?

In general, there are three main types of car insurance that individuals can choose: third party liability only (TPO), fire and theft insurance (TPFT), and fully comprehensive insurance.

Third party insurance only

Third party insurance is only considered the minimum level of coverage that you can choose. This type of insurance is limited to covering repair costs or injuries that may be incurred by a third party as a result of an accident caused by you. Whatever the costs, any damage to your car or any injuries that you may sustain will not be covered. .

Fire and theft insurance

This type of insurance provides fire and theft fighting service as an additional supplement, as it covers any damages resulting from a fire in addition to the costs of theft or damage resulting from it, whether during the theft or attempted theft. With this type, you can also benefit from a reduction in the insurance premium in the event that the Submit claims for a specific period of time.

Get insurance as a new driver

Fully comprehensive insurance

Full comprehensive insurance is the highest level of cover you can choose, as it insures you against any damages that may happen to a third party and their car in addition to your own car insurance. Thus, even if an accident occurs due to your fault, you can still make a claim for your car.

Choose the coverage level

Before deciding on insurance, it is advisable to review the fine print of each type of policy. It is also a good idea to review additional items such as no claims discounts to find the optimal coverage based on your personal needs, as it is also encouraged to consider the possibility of paying the premium annually rather than monthly as this may be more cost effective throughout the year.

Top tips to reduce the cost of your car insurance

In conclusion, it's important for you to prove to insurance companies that you pose a lower risk than the average new driver. Here are some actions you can take to help reduce the cost of your car insurance.

  • Choosing a car with a low insurance rating: Every type of car manufactured for the UK market is given a car insurance group rating, which ranges between 1 and 50 and is determined by the Association of British Insurers. These ratings are based on factors such as the value of the car, safety features and the cost of parts and are usually Cars that belong to a lower insurance group are less expensive to insure.

  • Check Engine Size: Statistically, cars with smaller engines appear less prone to accidents and are therefore less risky for insurance companies and choosing a car with an engine under 1.4 liters may result in a lower insurance premium.

  • Reducing mileage: Reducing the miles you drive can reduce risk and insurance costs. Driving only for leisure and not for daily transportation can reduce mileage and lead to a decrease in the cost of insurance.

  • Adding a named driver: Naming an experienced driver as the main driver on your policy can reduce the cost of insurance, as having another driver deemed responsible as a named driver mitigates the risk and can result in a lower premium being offered.

  • Check a multi-car policy: Insuring all vehicles under one policy may reduce the cost of insurance, as most insurance providers offer discounts for multiple policies.

  • Keep your car safe and secure: Parking your car in a safe place and using safety features such as immobilizers and tracking systems can reduce the risk of damage or theft and lead to a reduction in the cost of insurance.

  • Take a Pass Plus course: If you passed your test last year, taking a Pass Plus driving skills improvement course may help reduce the cost of insurance.


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